
Thursday, 11 July 2013

For Your Educational Purposes - Part 1

Kindly note that this is a Continuation of "The Decision"

Should you choose Option A.
Well done, you have, in most circumstances, chosen the most adult/mature option. This, however, is entirely separate and different to what you choose to say when you have this conversation. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that most of you don't actually plan to think before you speak. I mean, how bad could it get right? (Just by the way, I am laughing hysterically in the background, with snorts and everything) Oh you have Nooooo Idea.

Okay okay I'll calm down. In essence, if you follow this option, it can only go one of two ways.
1. They have feelings for you, in which case kindly revert to any fairy tale that ends in happily ever after.

2. They don't have feelings for you or the same amount of feelings or they don't want to commit or not now. These are just different ways of saying "No". In fact, there is a non-exhaustive list of reasons, sentences or words, but at the end of the day, if it's not an emphatic "yes". It means No.

At this point, this is where your denial kicks in. No, not the river in Egypt (see what I did there - that was just for you Nic). So no, not the river, I mean the real thing. You say to yourself "maybe", "maybe it's just me", "maybe if I change", "maybe it's because they are stressed and going through a rough time, they're just not ready for commitment". Maybe... You should stop kidding yourself. Now you may think this is harsh, and you are probably right, but it doesn't make it any less true. The sooner you stop kidding yourself, the sooner you will be able to deal with it and the sooner you will be able to move on. You know, just like I know that if you like someone and want to be with them, NOTHING will stop you and when I say nothing, I even mean the plague's in the old Testament. If you are unsure as to what I am referring to, you can educate yourself with - The Bible

Or alternatively, if that seems like a lot of effort and you want to sloth it, you can watch the semi-religious thriller "The Reaping" - which by the way if you haven't seen, you really should.
So once again, if someone doesn't emphatically say yes to you. It means no.

But never fear... because I have more bad news or good news, actually it depends which way you look at it. As in the optimistic way “oh look the glass is half full”, the pessimistic way “oh look, the glass is half empty”, my way “oh look, there’s room for vodka”. Vodka fixes everything – okay wait, I am getting ahead of myself or I could be excited for the vodka, or it could be the Monster I just drank… wait what.

And continuing on point, if your man or woman-ho says no or some other variation as discussed above. At least you know the answer – kudo’s for being brave enough to ask. This, however, is where the tricky part comes in. To ask or not to ask… The Friend Question.

Stay tuned for "Your educational purposes - Part 2"

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