This is how I felt. I had come to the conclusion that my life, my emotions and my mind were stuck in a rut. I had hit that point in my life and adulthood whereby every day is the same. The pure unadulterated monotony of going through the motions. I had done everything I could possibly do to effect change and yet no change had been forthcoming. And people… Drama and stalkers do not count!! Just saying…
I’ve proceeded with normality and done what should have been done. I did the good little girl thing and played by the rules, and did so with the best of intentions. Where did I end up? With no result, or a result just as undesirable as no result and sometimes you have to wonder which is worse.
They say that the definition of insanity is repeating one’s action expecting a different result. So I changed my game plan. The inability to say no to others – thereby forcing myself into every possible opportunity available. I’m pretty sure you have seen the movie “Yes Man”, well, it was a game plan similar to that. And for a moment, I got pretty close to something I wanted. And just like that *insert click of the fingers* that door was slammed in my face and I was back to ground zero.
Okay, fine. I can deal with that, and I did. Change of game plan. New Game Plan: Focus on what you love and the people around you who matter. Done. You know how this ended. Like shit. I never met anyone new and hanging around those I cared about, gave the males the inclination to believe that they could get into my pants. But worst of all, I developed feelings for a friend. Sorry ladies, it was a male friend…
Seriously, I know right, Karma is quite a vindictive little bitch and I felt this one. But like I have always said, feelings aren’t really something you can control. For awhile it worked – it was almost reciprocal. Aaaaand then enter mindfuck, because that is literally what happened, my mind got fucked. And to a point, my own demented idiocy helped me out – which I suppose is a good thing, but we’ll come to that.
Stay tuned for my next issue “Feelings”